
Crystal Growth

Crystal Growth (Mutation)

This mutation causes crystals to grow on your Shellian! 
This can look like:
Crystal spikes
Crystal bits
Or even full body parts (Legs/ tails/ Horns etc) to turn into a magical crystal!

The only limitation is that the entire body cannot be crystalized!

Eye Growth

Eye Growth (Seasonal)

This mutation causes random eyeballs to errupt all over your Shellian! 
There isn't a limit to where the eyes can appear! 

Fin Growth

Fin Growth (Mutation)

This mutation allows for fins to grow all over your shellian! 

Insane Fluff

Insane Fluff (Mutation)

This mutation allows for extreme fur growth on your shellian!
The shellian should have over 50% of its body covered in fur/ wool!

Glass Body

Glass Body (Mutation)

This mutation allows for glass sections to appear on your Shellian!
These can be any colored glass, and be solid glass, or empty if you wish to put items/ liquid in there!

Only restriction is your entire shellian cannot be made of glass!

Glowy Markings

Glowy Markings (Mutation)

This mutation allows for certain markings on your Shellians to glow! 


Halo (Mutation)

This mutation provides a floating halo of light to float above your Shellian's head! 

Multiple Limbs

Multiple Limbs (Seasonal)

A very special mutation this one allows for additional limbs to be added to your Shellian! 
This includes the following:


These additional limbs can either be the same shape/style or different! 
EX: Lynx ears and loppy ears on the same design
or Fox tail and Shibe tail on the same design.

Plant Growth

Plant Growth (Mutation)

This mutation allows for plants to spontaneously grow all over your Shellian!

Plants can include but are not limited to:

And more!

Plush Texture

Plush Texture (Mutation)

This mutation turns your Shellian into a living plush! Giving them the appearance of being stitched together with love.

Scale Growth

Scale Growth (Mutation)

This mutation allows for your Shellian to errupt into scales!
These scales can be in all different shapes and colors.

Slime Texture

Slime Texture (Mutation)

This mutation turns your Shellian into a living goo! They are very slimey and drippy.


Smoke (Exclusive)

This mutation turns part of your Shellian's body into wispy smoke! 

This includes but is not limited to:
The fluff
Sides of ears
And more!

Spike Growth

Spike Growth (Mutation)

This mutation causes spikes to grow all over your Shellian's body!

These spikes can take on many shapes and sizes and can present anywhere on their body, even presenting like thorns.


Tentacles (Seasonal)

This mutation allows for tentacles to grow on your Shellian's body.


Whiskers (Mutation)

This mutation allows for your Shellian to have whiskers! These can be either bulbus or hair like whiskers.

Wing Growth

Wing Growth (Mutation)

This mutation allows for your Shellian to sprout wings in odd places, or allows for them to have more than one set of wings!

Wing places can include but are not limited to the following:
Behind legs
And more!

This can also include different wings shapes such as:
And Dragon wings!


Wyvern (Exclusive)

This very special mutation changes the anatomy of your Shellian, and attatch the wings to the undersie of their front legs!
This mutation allows for different type of wings as well!
Such as:
And even dragon wings!

18 results found.